Cleaning Your Bathroom Is Child’s Play Thanks to These Tips

Cleaning your bathroom is unlikely to be a work you enjoy. After all, who ever claimed to love cleaning toilets or tackling mold stains? But that doesn’t mean it has to be an ungrateful task or an especially time-consuming one. We’ve gathered tips from the best cleaning experts on cleaning a bathroom with the items you already have at home, making the job simpler and saving you time. 

Use Lemon to Wash Hard Water Stains Away
Although hard water stains are unavoidable in areas where water flows continuously, it’s surprisingly easy and cheap to get rid of them. All you need to do is cut a lemon in half, and rub it over the chrome fittings, and the ugly-looking stains should vanish immediately. In addition, all unwanted odors are masked when you use lemon as a cleaning agent. In case it’s time for some deep cleaning: sprinkle sea salt on the lemon and rub this on the dirty areas in your bathroom. You can use this tip to clean your bathroom tiles, grouts, shower doors, sinks, toilet bowls, faucets, and other easily stained areas.

Clean the Bathtub
I think everyone with a bathtub is blessed – that’s only because I’d love to have one too. But I have to admit somewhere, I’m glad I don’t have one, because cleaning a bathtub is an awful lot of work. I found a tip that makes it so much easier and saves you a lot of back- and knee pain. You should cover the bathtub with dish soap (detergent), grab a clean and soft broom and scrub the tub with it. Once the entire tub is soaped, it’s time to rinse it clean. Keep doing this until all the soapy water has been rinsed away. Using a broom instead of a sponge saves you a lot of time as the broom covers a larger area at once.

Soak the Shower Head in Vinegar
Dealing with the filthy shower head? Clean it with some natural white vinegar. When you’re cleaning the rest of the bathroom, just remove the shower head and leave it in a ziplock bag filled with vinegar. By the time you’re done with the rest of your bathroom, the vinegar has broken down all the dirt, grease, and stains, making the rest of your job a piece of cake. In case you cannot unscrew the shower head: simply tie the zip lock bag around the shower head.

Clean the Toilet With Vinegar
Since the toilet needs to be cleaned several times a week – depending on how many roommates you have – this should be a quick and simple job. I have found the ideal tip and no it is not pouring chlorine into the toilet! All you need is vinegar and some kitchen paper. Take some kitchen paper sheets, soak them in the vinegar and carefully place them in the toilet, let this soak for a few hours – preferably a whole night -, and flush the toilet afterward. Since toilet paper is generally allowed to be flushed down the toilet and kitchen paper is not, you may want to substitute kitchen paper for toilet paper.

Maintain Tiles Grouts with a Candle
Everybody wants to prevent moldy and dirty bathroom grouts because lets be honest: cleaning this is nobody’s favorite household chore. This is what you need to do: buy a long candle and drag it across the grouts that get dirty. Do this a few times, until there’s a thick layer. This wax layer prevents mold from getting on the grouts. After this, you only have to check the candle wax layer now and then.

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