Never Put These 17 Foods in The Fridge

10. Honey
You can put honey in the fridge if you prefer it chilled, but it is not necessary for storage purposes. In fact, refrigerating honey is not recommended due to its natural properties and consistency. Honey has a low water content and high sugar content, making it highly inhospitable to bacteria or other microorganisms. These characteristics act as natural preservatives, helping honey maintain its freshness and prevent spoilage without the need for refrigeration.

When honey is stored in the refrigerator, it can undergo texture changes and crystallization. Low temperatures can cause honey to solidify and thicken, making it difficult to pour or use. However, if honey has crystallized, placing it in a warm water bath may restore it to its original liquid state. In addition, refrigeration can introduce moisture into the honey, which can cause it to ferment or deteriorate over time. Moisture absorption can also affect the taste and quality of the honey.

To preserve honey well, it is recommended that it be kept at room temperature in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. A pantry or cupboard is an ideal place. Make sure the container is tightly closed to avoid exposure to air and to maintain its freshness. If you prefer cold honey, you can place the required amount in a smaller container and refrigerate it for a short time. However, it is best to allow the honey to return to room temperature before using it, as this will restore its original consistency and make it easier to pour.

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