Never Put These 17 Foods in The Fridge

11. Bananas
While it is possible to put bananas in the fridge, it is generally not recommended to do so when they are still unripe. Bananas are a tropical fruit that ripen best at room temperature. When you place unripe bananas in the fridge, the cold temperature can inhibit the ripening process. The peel may turn black, but the fruit inside may not fully ripen. The cold environment slows down the production of ethylene gas, which is responsible for the natural ripening of bananas.

Refrigerating unripe bananas can also cause the peel to become discolored or develop brown spots. This does not necessarily affect the quality of the fruit inside, but it can give the bananas an unappealing appearance.

If you want to speed up the ripening process, it is better to keep the bananas at room temperature. Placing them in a paper bag can help trap the ethylene gas and enhance ripening. Adding an apple or a ripe banana to the bag can further accelerate the process.

Once bananas are fully ripe, you can choose to refrigerate them to extend their shelf life. The peel will continue to darken in the fridge, but the fruit inside will remain sweet and edible for a longer period. However, keep in mind that refrigeration can alter the texture, making the bananas softer and potentially mushy.

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