7 Foods You Should Never Store In the Fridge

Almost all the groceries we do, we immediately put in the refrigerator to make sure they don’t spoil quickly. Here you can think of fruits, such as berries, as well as tomatoes and vegetables, for example. But, did you know that this is not at all necessary for certain products? Often, a refrigerator can actually cause your groceries to spoil faster than you think. Therefore, below we have compiled a list of products that you no longer need to keep in the refrigerator and can simply keep in your kitchen cupboard.


When you’ve bought bread, you can’t always eat it right away. As we know, bread can become moldy very quickly if you keep it in the kitchen, for example. Also, if you keep it in the refrigerator, it can very quickly become hard and inedible. This is a shame, of course, because you didn’t get to eat it completely. The tip here is to keep your bread not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer. This way you can still enjoy your bread and it will stay good for a long time. Also very convenient if you don’t always have time to go and get bread.


Are you someone who keeps onions in the fridge? Then it’s high time to get all your onions out of the fridge. Not only can they spread unpleasant odors in your fridge, but they may also quickly sag and thus need to be thrown away. Onions are best stored in a dark and cool place, as they will last longer and also won’t sag quickly. However, if you see green stalks coming out of your onion after a while, they may not be completely usable.


Like onions, garlic doesn’t belong in the refrigerator. Not only will you get less flavor in the garlic pods, but you will also get a strong odor in your fridge that won’t be easy to get rid of. The best idea is to also store garlic in a cool and dark place, such as in a kitchen cabinet, so it is also not exposed to sun rays, which can cause your garlic to spoil.

Are you curious about other products that don’t belong in the refrigerator? Then quickly read on the next page.

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