Want a Scholarship or Grant? – This is Everything You Need to Know!

If you want to study, but are struggling with financing your study, you may want to look into the possibilities of scholarships. There are many more ways to get a scholarship than most people know, so keep reading and find out all of them! We’ll give you everything you need to know about scholarships, like how, when and where to apply for them, and we have some great extra tips to pay attention to. 

What’s a scholarship?
Let’s start off by explaining what scholarships exactly are. A scholarship is a gift, given by many kinds of companies, employers, communities and more. 

What kind of scholarships are there?
There are a few different kinds of scholarships. We’ll start off with merit-based scholarships. These are based on your skills, abilities and achievements. To qualify you will have to meet a certain set of standards and criteria. These scholarships are based on achievements. Other scholarships are based on your financial needs. Actually, these are officially called grants. Here are a few different categories. For instance, there are grants for military (or their spouses!), for women, for graduate students, etc. Some scholarships cover your entire study. Other scholarships only cover parts of it. There are also scholarships that are gifts of a few hundred dollars. 

How do you find scholarships?
If you want to apply for a scholarship, we recommend doing some research yourself to find out which scholarships are fitting for you, and to which ones you qualify for. 
We can name you a few places that you should definitely check for scholarships if you’d like one. 
– Your (or your parents’) employer
– Organizations in the field of your interest
– College financial aidsoffices
– High school counselors
– Federal agencies

This is just a start, there are many kinds of organizations offering scholarships. Find more important information about applying for a scholarship on the next page.

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